Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Comedian's Code

1. Stick to your time. Don't go overtime.

2. Do not heckle or encourage hecklers.

3. Do not steal jokes.

4. In a dispute or conflict between comics,
Money (ie. who writes the cheques) > Funniness > Seniority > Everything else. 

5. The only advice worth anything at all is "Keep going up. That's it." ~ Sam Tonning.

And that's it for the Comedian's Code. There are other rules or bits of advice, but they don't really rise to the level of commandments like these first five. Things such as:

A. Either use the mic stand or move it out of the way.

B. Do not show bare, hairy legs or feet on stage. And do not obscure your face (with sunglasses or a ballcap). Just look professional and nice.

C. Be cool, or nice, like a normal person. Give props where props are due.

D. If you're going to try to roast someone, it had better be funny, or you'd better have a good relationship with them.

E. Don't shit on the venue. Treat servers with respect and encourage the audience to do the same.

F. Comics get in shows for free. Because of this, comics may be expected to stand or crowd together at the back of the room.

G. Josh TreLeaven is allowed all the free drinks and food he can eat. If the venue doesn't provide them, another comic must.

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