Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Victoria Standup Comedy Matchups

So the last time I made up a list of Victoria people, it wasn't "positive" or "with charity" and I was told I'd "never work this town again as long as [I] keep making stupid lists". So I wanted to do another exercise, but this time something that couldn't be taken as mean, or pitting my friends against each other. So this blog post is "comedy pairings" or which comics I'd like to see working together more, with banter back and forth together on stage. Or maybe on a podcast together or something. Or one opening for the other (not saying which). Or a suggestion for Drew's show. Really it's just a thought experiment, not about level of skill or funniness, just which styles would look interesting together.

  • Matt Basky and Logan T Smith. For good, clean, family-friendly, positive comedy. Mostly. 
  • Evan Mumford and Josh TreLeaven. I wrote this list, so I get to pick who I want. 
  • Mark Robertson and Ryan Bangma. 
  • Erin Haley and Tristan Ryan. 
  • Shane Priestley and Justine Drummond. Shane and Justine have obviously known each other for quite some time, but I feel like I hardly ever see them interact. Probably because Justine hardly interacts with anyone. 
  • Chelsea Lou and Ben Fawcett. This one's a bit obvious, and we've already seen a bit of this, but I want to see more of what this dynamic is like. Ben is also a highly matchable figure, as I'd like to see him interact with all kinds of people. But Chelsea picked him as a roommate, so I'm going with this.
  • Paul Oppers and David Bruce.
  • Carilynn Nicholson and Mikey Dubs. 
  • Steve McMath and Curran Dobbs.
  • Wes Borg and Elyott Ryan. 
  • Jim Schmidt and Quincy Thomas.
  • Myles Anderson and Lucia Ribeiro. 
  • Darcy Collins and Rob Webber. Two reasons: pretty much anyone I match Darcy with is bound to piss him off. And anyone I match Rob with is bound to be pissed off by Rob. I'm just killing two birds with one stone here. 
  • Mike Delamont and Colton Turcotte.
  • Gary Barker and Paul McKinnon. I'm hesitant about this, maybe the world would end if this much wisdom and experience was in the same place at the same time. I'll risk it.  
  • Darren Millar and Sean Proudlove. 
  • Darren Millar and Jenny Auld. Yes, Darren's on this list twice. 
  • Henok Meresa and Evan McDonald.
  • Aidan Dunsmuir and Shiraz Higgins. 
  • Drew Farrance and Rosa Graham. I know Rosa is relatively new to the comedy scene, but she's bold, so she'll be fine with Drew. I don't know what that means. 
  • Katharine Ferns and Jayden Worth.
  • Shawn O'Hara and Rebecca Broome. I'm pretty sure these two haven't even met. 
  • Daniel Belkin and Sharon Mahoney.
  • Jason Lamb and Lisa Powell.
  • Dave Copeman and Andrew Mack. 
  • Dylan Williamson and Patrick Boyle. 
  • Pete Hudson and Ryan Levis.

Just an honourable mention for Morgan Cranny: I didn't match him up with anyone in particular because I think he'd go well with just about everyone.

And for the people I forgot, I apologize for forgetting you. It's not you, it's me.

Who's left:

Nick Chlumecky, Amit Solanki, Steve Girodat, Max Bank Jaffy, Mike Sauve, Vaughn Brackage. I feel like I haven't seen enough of these performers to get a sense of who they'd match with. Perhaps I'm leaving out someone who'd be perfect for them. A few people I haven't seen in a long time: Swerve Philips, Jeff Corntassle, Geoff Davidson, Ben Gerbrecht, Eric Isfeld, Robin Valerie, Nicole Castle, Sean Morris, Tanner Mac, Martin John, Patrick Solembier.

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